Penalty Points


In this thread, we aim to clarify warning points and the consequences of violating forum rules.

Double Posting:
Posting two or more replies consecutively in any thread.
Punishment: 10 Warning points lasting 1 month

One-word/emote posts or single-media posts not related to the thread are considered microposting. Adding text to state you are not microposting or including a quote is still considered microposting.
Punishment: 20 Warning points lasting 2 months

Posting on a thread with no relevant update after 30 days or posting a reply no longer pertinent.
Punishment: 20 Warning points lasting 2 months

Excessive Bumping:
You may only bump your own thread once. Any more results in punishment.
Punishment: 20 Warning points lasting 2 months

Asking for the Second Trial:
Only one trial per person is allowed. No second trials, trials for friends, or different devices.
Punishment: 20 Warning points lasting 6 months

More than 1 Image/Media in Signature:
If you want more, place them inside a spoiler.
Punishment: 30 Warning points lasting 3 months

Dislike Spam:
Disliking more than 4 posts of one user in quick succession.
Punishment: 30 Warning points lasting 3 months

Misusing PM:
Sending nonsense, being rude, wasting time, or spamming Mods/Admin in PM.
Punishment: 30 Warning points lasting 3 months

Disrespectful or Inappropriate Content:
Offensive, sexual, or inappropriate material is not allowed.
Punishment: 40 Warning points lasting 1 month

Excessive Swearing:
Using more than 4 profanities in a single post.
Punishment: 40 Warning points lasting 2 weeks

Racism, Sexism, or Bigotry:
Includes racial slurs or hate towards genders.
Punishment: 60 Warning points lasting 6 months

Any form of advertising, phishing, or malware websites.
Punishment: 100 Warning points lasting permanently

Excessive Trolling:
Forum trolls or spammers will be permanently banned.
Punishment: 100 Warning points lasting permanently

Reseller Violation:
10 warning points for resellers giving additional trial lines.
Ban increments apply as below

• 30 warning points = 1-day ban
• 60 warning points = 7-day ban
• 90 warning points = 30-day ban
• 100 warning points = permanent ban

This means repeating the violation to reach 100 points in 6 months results in a suspension.

Non-warning Point Offenses:

Flame Wars:
Results in thread locking with potential post removal.

Offending posts/threads removed.

Profile, Post, or Thread Spam:
Spam, ‘test’ posts, or useless content leads to removal or locking.

Troll Posts or Threads:
Includes fake applications or impersonation; content removal occurs.

Post Boosting:
Repeatedly posting short/pointless posts for post count boost; posts will be removed.

Light Advertisement:
Mentioning other servers or similar names results in name editing or content removal.

Locking/Deleting Threads/Messages:
Requesting a lock on a thread or deletion without ownership results in edits or removal.

These guidelines aim to maintain a healthy forum environment.

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